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Doggy Day Care Centre

Within SDBC we have our own specialised doggy day care facility where we deliver care and enrichment tailored to your pets individual personalities.

How do we differ from other day care providers?

This is facilitated by our qualified on site behaviourist, supported by trainers delivering the most current science based day care. There will be an initial assessment of your dog by a qualified dog behaviourist as to the suitability of attending our site. Based on this, unique daily schedules are designed to meet the individual needs and personality of your dog.


In our facility we do not have large groups of dogs running together, we create bespoke groups of dogs with similar personalities and this will be their group for their stay with us.

What would a typical day look like?

Firstly each day is filled with new experiences and fun!

Your dogs day is supported by trainers/dog handlers with the guidance of a behaviourist on site at all times. Each dog will be matched into a small group of 3 or 4 dogs. Playtime with their friends in the small group ensure size matching as well as developmental needs being met.

We do this as we are well aware that free running in large groups without a structured day can cause severe behavioural problems for some dogs. To remove this issue, matching the dogs is pivotal part of our facility and small groups are found to be more beneficial to the learning and experience of socialising within day care setting.

After an organised play session each dog has its own individual safe space with bed and water bowl for calm down time. Science has informed us that this is critical for their well being, giving them space to fully rest ready for their next session.


After their lunch break of a full hour, the fun in play and learning starts once again until you collect your pet.


During their stay with us, the dogs will move between 9 different areas, ranging from sensory areas, to fun areas such as Teddys Towers and Forest run. You can be assured your dog will have a fun packed stay with us and return home to their family knowing that their needs for that day have been met!


Puppies have a different day due to genetics, age, growth plates and physical abilities . All puppies are cared for on an individual program, we develop each program up to suit your puppy's needs .This enables them to grow in confidence at their speed guided by professional hands using up to date science based training methods.

All puppies have their own bed and water bowl plus a trainer allocated to your puppy with one of the qualified dog behaviourists fully backing up the training plan.

Puppies also have an outside walking time to allow them to fulfil their natural needs and allow quality enrichment into their day.

Due to the puppy’s growth plates not being closed , their walks may be alone .This is to ensure we adhere to veterinarian guide lines on puppy play/walk periods. As over exercising may result in joint issues in later life.


Prices and Opening Times


Open 7.30am - Close 6pm



£27 per session for one dog

£50 per session for 2 dogs in one household




Our day care has been open throughout covid, our infection control is exceptional; in line with guidance from Scottish Government and policies created using guidance taken from Spaulding's Classification.

How to apply

If you are interested in this professional first class service please contact us via email here and we will discuss your puppy/dogs needs.

As a professional training centre we have an application and trial system to identify we are the correct facility for your pet.

Stirling Dog Behavioural Centre is a positive, force free, training facility with amazing reviews from our expanding client base. We are here to care and train your pet to our high professional standards.
This facility is highly desirable due to our unique approach to training accompanied by care. Due to the demands, at time we hold a waiting list. We do not offer places to each pet that applies if we honestly think we can’t offer the requirements to meet your pets needs.


Important: For the health and safety of all of our dogs we require that you contact us for a trial before booking.



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©2020 by Stirling Dog Behavioural Centre.

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